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Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

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Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science)

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Access to Higher Education Diplomas (National Average 78.4%)
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Gain university entry without A Levels
  • Complete your course online
  • Pursue an environmental career or one working with animals
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • Pass your course in less than a year
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

If you have a passion for conservation and agriculture and would love to work in a land-based industry or with animals, then going to university to study a degree related to this industry will put you in a strong position to achieve the career you want.

Before you can study your degree, you will need qualifications to meet entry requirements. Included in those requirements are A Levels, but if you don’t possess those, then an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is a great alternative.

In fact, most universities accept these Level 3 qualifications instead of A Levels, but you must check with your chosen establishment before applying. An Access to Higher Education Diploma is a vocational course that offers the perfect mixture of industry-based knowledge and study skills.

By studying land based science, you will explore a wide range of topics, including plant biology, animal biology, environmental management and more. All of these subjects will give you solid foundational knowledge, which you can use to build upon when you study your degree.

Not only will you study topics related to land based industries, but you will also learn a range of study skills that will prepare you for university, including academic writing skills and how to use spreadsheet software.

With this qualification, you will be in a strong position to study a degree that could potentially lead you into careers within agriculture, farming, land based engineering and more.

Getting Started

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is delivered entirely online and there are no exams. You will have flexibility in terms of your study schedule, but you will have submission deadlines for your assignments. This will all be outlined simply for you in the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) you are issued with.

As soon as you enrol, you will be granted 24/7 access to all the course materials you need to achieve your Level 3 diploma. We have an industry-leading digital platform that provides everything you require in one easy-to-use place.

Not only that, but you can also contact our experienced tutors and Access Support Team to help you through your studies. Once you enrol, you will have two years to complete your Access to Higher Education Diploma course, but on average, our learners complete it within 9 months


Unit 1: Animal Cells, Locomotion and Senses

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the biology of animal cells.
  • Understand locomotion of different non-human animals.
  • Understand sensory organs in non-human animals.

Unit 2: Ecology and Environmental Science

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand habitats, ecosystems, and energy flow.
  • Understand ecosystem management.
  • Be able to assess the role of national governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved with environmental protection.

Unit 3: Introduction to Plant Biology

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand plant classification.
  • Understand the structure and function of flowering plants and how they are pollinated and fertilised.
  • Understand transport systems in plants.
  • Understand the role of plant hormones.

Unit 4: Arrangement and Trends in the Periodic Table

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the arrangement of elements  in the periodic table.
  • Understand the periodicity of period 3 of the periodic table.
  • Understand ionisation energies in relation to period 3.
  • Understand the oxidation and reduction effects of reactions.
  • Understand reactions of the Group 2 metals.

Unit 5: Atomic Structure, Electronic Structures and Bonds

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand atomic structure and relative atomic mass.
  • Be able to write and interpret electronic structures.
  • Understand ion formation and ion bonds.
  • Understand covalent bonds formation.

Unit 6: Hydrocarbons, Alkenes and Alkanes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of organic compounds.
  • Understand alkane structure and reactions.
  • Understand alkene structure and reactions.

Unit 7: Calculus for Scientists

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use differentiation.
  • Know how to perform integration.
  • Be able to solve problems involving differentiation and integration.

Unit 8: Trigonometric Functions, Ratios and Rules

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use trigonometric functions and ratios.
  • Be able to solve equations and problems by employing trigonometric rules.
  • Be able to construct proofs by applying trigonometric rules.

Unit 9: Applied Statistical Research

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to devise a statistical investigation.
  • Be able to collect and statistically process data.
  • Be able to apply data analysis to an investigation aim and hypotheses.
  • Be able to critically evaluate an investigation.

Unit 10: Land Based Research Project

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to identify and conduct a primary research project related to Land Based Studies.
  • Be able to write a report using data from research conducted related to Land Based Science.
  • Know how to use research skills applied to a Land Based Science Project.

Unit 11: Exploring Using Spreadsheets

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to set up, format and maintain data exports to other packages.
  • Be able to construct and use Spreadsheet calculations.
  • Be able to use spreadsheets to produce and develop graphs and charts.

Unit 12: Exploring Using Algebra

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use series.
  • Be able to perform logarithmic calculations.
  • Be able to solve problems involving surds.
  • Be able to solve algebraic equations.

Unit 13: Learning and Study Skills

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Know how to plan and organise study activity.
  • Understand the application of learning theories relating to personal learning.
  • Be able to create a range of strategies to address the factors which may impact upon study.
  • Understand the value of assessment feedback.

Unit 14: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance.
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work.
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism.

Unit 15: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task.
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style.
  • Understand different reading strategies.
  • Be able to take effective notes.
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment.

Unit 16: Molarity and Chemical Change

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to calculate solution concentrations.
  • Understand enthalpy change.
  • Be able to analyse data to determine reaction order.
  • Understand chemical equilibrium.

Unit 17: Cellular Structure and Activity

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cellular structure.
  • Understand the processes and products of cellular metabolism.
  • Understand cellular growth, division, and the impact of cancer at a cellular level.



Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: essay, formula sheet, scenario analysis, illustrated report, portfolio, presentation (video and audio recording), research report, series of questions, worksheet, academic writing skills tasks

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?


No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 2 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total in order to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science). Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course.

The remaining 15 come from ungraded units aiming to help you improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science), (QAA ref = 40014708), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.

An Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Sciences) will give you foundational knowledge in a number of areas including ecology, the environment, chemistry, biology and physics.


The main purpose of an Access to Higher Education Diploma is to prepare students for university, and with a land-based science qualification covering a wealth of career options, you will have various degree subjects to choose from.

Our online course may help you narrow down your options if you are unsure about the best direction for you to take. Suitable degrees include:

  • Animal Studies
  • Arboriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Ecologist / Conservationist
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Landscape and Garden Design
  • Agriculture

Further Qualifications and Prospects

Depending on the career you want to pursue, you may need to continue your studies. Some professions require a masters degree or specialist training. For example, if you want to become a Veterinary Nurse, you will need to study a degree that is accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). You may also need to undergo specialist training.

Whatever career you decide to pursue, make sure you research the qualifications you need. The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is a great starting point.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) has been designed as a fast track route to accessing environmental and land based science related degrees at university without the need for A-Levels. This is because Access to HE Diplomas are an equivalent to three separate A-Levels, so you can get into uni without these traditional qualifications.
Yes, land-based science is a good subject to study. It is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of topics, including agriculture, animal science, environmental science, horticulture, and forestry. Land-based science is important for understanding and managing our natural resources, and it is also essential for addressing many of the world's most pressing challenges, such as climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss.
With a land-based science degree, you can pursue a variety of different careers, such as agricultural scientist, agronomist, animal scientist, environmental scientist, environmental consultant, environmental manager, horticulturist, landscaper, garden designer, forester, arborist, woodland manager, and more. You can also work in research, education, or policy development, or for a government agency, private company, or non-profit organisation. According to the UK government, the land-based sector is worth over £100 billion to the UK economy and employs over 1 million people. The sector is also expected to grow in the coming years, with the government predicting that it will create 200,000 new jobs by 2030.
Within a year! This access to land based science course has a 2-year timeframe but as it’s online with no classes or timetables, you can progress at your pace. The majority of our learners have their course finished in just 9 months.
Yes, we will! As part of your access to higher education learning package, we’ll support you through the university application process.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Gain university entry without A Levels
  • Complete your course online
  • Pursue an environmental career or one working with animals
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • Pass your course in less than a year
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

If you have a passion for conservation and agriculture and would love to work in a land-based industry or with animals, then going to university to study a degree related to this industry will put you in a strong position to achieve the career you want.

Before you can study your degree, you will need qualifications to meet entry requirements. Included in those requirements are A Levels, but if you don’t possess those, then an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is a great alternative.

In fact, most universities accept these Level 3 qualifications instead of A Levels, but you must check with your chosen establishment before applying. An Access to Higher Education Diploma is a vocational course that offers the perfect mixture of industry-based knowledge and study skills.

By studying land based science, you will explore a wide range of topics, including plant biology, animal biology, environmental management and more. All of these subjects will give you solid foundational knowledge, which you can use to build upon when you study your degree.

Not only will you study topics related to land based industries, but you will also learn a range of study skills that will prepare you for university, including academic writing skills and how to use spreadsheet software.

With this qualification, you will be in a strong position to study a degree that could potentially lead you into careers within agriculture, farming, land based engineering and more.

Getting Started

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is delivered entirely online and there are no exams. You will have flexibility in terms of your study schedule, but you will have submission deadlines for your assignments. This will all be outlined simply for you in the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) you are issued with.

As soon as you enrol, you will be granted 24/7 access to all the course materials you need to achieve your Level 3 diploma. We have an industry-leading digital platform that provides everything you require in one easy-to-use place.

Not only that, but you can also contact our experienced tutors and Access Support Team to help you through your studies. Once you enrol, you will have two years to complete your Access to Higher Education Diploma course, but on average, our learners complete it within 9 months


Unit 1: Animal Cells, Locomotion and Senses

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the biology of animal cells.
  • Understand locomotion of different non-human animals.
  • Understand sensory organs in non-human animals.

Unit 2: Ecology and Environmental Science

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand habitats, ecosystems, and energy flow.
  • Understand ecosystem management.
  • Be able to assess the role of national governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved with environmental protection.

Unit 3: Introduction to Plant Biology

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand plant classification.
  • Understand the structure and function of flowering plants and how they are pollinated and fertilised.
  • Understand transport systems in plants.
  • Understand the role of plant hormones.

Unit 4: Arrangement and Trends in the Periodic Table

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the arrangement of elements  in the periodic table.
  • Understand the periodicity of period 3 of the periodic table.
  • Understand ionisation energies in relation to period 3.
  • Understand the oxidation and reduction effects of reactions.
  • Understand reactions of the Group 2 metals.

Unit 5: Atomic Structure, Electronic Structures and Bonds

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand atomic structure and relative atomic mass.
  • Be able to write and interpret electronic structures.
  • Understand ion formation and ion bonds.
  • Understand covalent bonds formation.

Unit 6: Hydrocarbons, Alkenes and Alkanes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of organic compounds.
  • Understand alkane structure and reactions.
  • Understand alkene structure and reactions.

Unit 7: Calculus for Scientists

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use differentiation.
  • Know how to perform integration.
  • Be able to solve problems involving differentiation and integration.

Unit 8: Trigonometric Functions, Ratios and Rules

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use trigonometric functions and ratios.
  • Be able to solve equations and problems by employing trigonometric rules.
  • Be able to construct proofs by applying trigonometric rules.

Unit 9: Applied Statistical Research

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to devise a statistical investigation.
  • Be able to collect and statistically process data.
  • Be able to apply data analysis to an investigation aim and hypotheses.
  • Be able to critically evaluate an investigation.

Unit 10: Land Based Research Project

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to identify and conduct a primary research project related to Land Based Studies.
  • Be able to write a report using data from research conducted related to Land Based Science.
  • Know how to use research skills applied to a Land Based Science Project.

Unit 11: Exploring Using Spreadsheets

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to set up, format and maintain data exports to other packages.
  • Be able to construct and use Spreadsheet calculations.
  • Be able to use spreadsheets to produce and develop graphs and charts.

Unit 12: Exploring Using Algebra

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use series.
  • Be able to perform logarithmic calculations.
  • Be able to solve problems involving surds.
  • Be able to solve algebraic equations.

Unit 13: Learning and Study Skills

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Know how to plan and organise study activity.
  • Understand the application of learning theories relating to personal learning.
  • Be able to create a range of strategies to address the factors which may impact upon study.
  • Understand the value of assessment feedback.

Unit 14: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance.
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work.
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism.

Unit 15: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task.
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style.
  • Understand different reading strategies.
  • Be able to take effective notes.
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment.

Unit 16: Molarity and Chemical Change

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to calculate solution concentrations.
  • Understand enthalpy change.
  • Be able to analyse data to determine reaction order.
  • Understand chemical equilibrium.

Unit 17: Cellular Structure and Activity

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cellular structure.
  • Understand the processes and products of cellular metabolism.
  • Understand cellular growth, division, and the impact of cancer at a cellular level.



Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: essay, formula sheet, scenario analysis, illustrated report, portfolio, presentation (video and audio recording), research report, series of questions, worksheet, academic writing skills tasks

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?


No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 2 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Excellent Marking


A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total in order to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science). Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course.

The remaining 15 come from ungraded units aiming to help you improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.


Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science), (QAA ref = 40014708), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.

An Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Sciences) will give you foundational knowledge in a number of areas including ecology, the environment, chemistry, biology and physics.


The main purpose of an Access to Higher Education Diploma is to prepare students for university, and with a land-based science qualification covering a wealth of career options, you will have various degree subjects to choose from.

Our online course may help you narrow down your options if you are unsure about the best direction for you to take. Suitable degrees include:

  • Animal Studies
  • Arboriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Ecologist / Conservationist
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Landscape and Garden Design
  • Agriculture

Further Qualifications and Prospects

Depending on the career you want to pursue, you may need to continue your studies. Some professions require a masters degree or specialist training. For example, if you want to become a Veterinary Nurse, you will need to study a degree that is accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). You may also need to undergo specialist training.

Whatever career you decide to pursue, make sure you research the qualifications you need. The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) is a great starting point.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Land Based Science) has been designed as a fast track route to accessing environmental and land based science related degrees at university without the need for A-Levels. This is because Access to HE Diplomas are an equivalent to three separate A-Levels, so you can get into uni without these traditional qualifications.
Yes, land-based science is a good subject to study. It is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of topics, including agriculture, animal science, environmental science, horticulture, and forestry. Land-based science is important for understanding and managing our natural resources, and it is also essential for addressing many of the world's most pressing challenges, such as climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss.
With a land-based science degree, you can pursue a variety of different careers, such as agricultural scientist, agronomist, animal scientist, environmental scientist, environmental consultant, environmental manager, horticulturist, landscaper, garden designer, forester, arborist, woodland manager, and more. You can also work in research, education, or policy development, or for a government agency, private company, or non-profit organisation. According to the UK government, the land-based sector is worth over £100 billion to the UK economy and employs over 1 million people. The sector is also expected to grow in the coming years, with the government predicting that it will create 200,000 new jobs by 2030.
Within a year! This access to land based science course has a 2-year timeframe but as it’s online with no classes or timetables, you can progress at your pace. The majority of our learners have their course finished in just 9 months.
Yes, we will! As part of your access to higher education learning package, we’ll support you through the university application process.
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
(National Average 78.4%)
Accreditation by Skills & Education Group Access
100% online
17 units
600 notional
learning hours

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