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Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for one year so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

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Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences)

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Access to Higher Education Diplomas (National Average 78.4%)
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Get university-ready within a year
  • Complete your course online
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • Pursue a degree in sociology, psychology and more
  • Tutor support
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

For anyone keen to pursue a degree in sociology, psychology, history, or other subjects related to social sciences or humanities, gaining foundational knowledge will put you in a strong position ahead of your university studies.

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) is a Level 3 qualification that not only provides you with essential knowledge but is the equivalent of 3 A Levels. This means that if you don’t possess traditional qualifications to get into university, then an Access to Higher Education Diploma is a solid alternative.

Most universities accept this qualification as part of their entry requirements, but you should check with your chosen establishment beforehand. If successful, you will have a base of knowledge of which to build upon thanks to the diverse units you will cover while studying for your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

From forensic psychology and various sociological strands to crime and deviance and political ideologies, you will explore topics across the spectrum, making this qualification incredibly useful for aspiring professionals in the social science and humanities fields.

As well as delving into sector-specific subjects, you will also learn a range of essential study skills that will get you prepared for degree-level study. An Access to Higher Education Diploma is ideal for individuals that want to go to university and be as prepared as possible for the next chapter of their academic career.

Getting Started

To help keep you on track with your studies, you will be given an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which will detail the submission deadlines of your assignments, creating a clear schedule for you to follow. The course is delivered entirely online, so you can learn from the comfort of your own home.

You have a level of freedom that does not come with classroom learning, and while there are deadlines to meet, you are able to fit your study time around your existing commitments. As soon as you enrol on the course, you will be given instant access to all the course materials you need.

Our student portal has everything neatly organised for you in one place, and you will benefit from the expertise of dedicated tutors and our Access Support Team.

Unlike A Levels, in which you need to study for around two years to achieve the qualifications, you can gain your Access to Higher Education Diploma in less than a year! When you enrol, you have two years to complete the course, but learndirect students take 9 months, on average, to achieve their qualification.


Unit 1: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism

Unit 2: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style
  • Understand different reading strategies
  • Be able to take effective notes
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment

Unit 3: Exploring an Introduction to Psychological Research and Approaches

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand scientific research methods in the field of psychology
  • Understand different psychological approaches to explaining behaviour
  • Understand ethical issues connected with psychological research

Unit 4: Exploring Theories of Crime and Deviancy

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to explain crime and deviance from a range of viewpoints
  • Understand the social structural theoretical basis of crime and deviance
  • Understand the media’s influence on perceptions of crime or deviance

Unit 5: Exploring The Analysis of a Novel

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to analyse the features of a novel
  • Be able to analyse a range of literary techniques in a novel 
  • Be able to analyse the context of a novel

Unit 6: An Examination of British Industrial Change during the period of 1700-1850

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the pattern of industry and urban society during the period of 1700-1760
  • Understand industrial change in Britain c1760-1850
  • Understand the impact of industrial change in Britain by the year 1850

Unit 7: Male and Female Speech

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understanding the features of male and female speech
  • Understand theories and approaches of male and female speech

Unit 8: Biological and Psychological approaches to Stress

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand potential physiological and psychological stress responses
  • Understand research into the link between stress and illness
  • Understand an example of psychological and biological stress reduction strategies

Unit 9: Education in Contemporary Society

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the importance of education in socialisation of pupils
  • Understand the role of education in modern society
  • Understand the impact of labelling and stereotypes in education
  • Understand the meritocratic view of education in contemporary society

Unit 10: Film Adaptations

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand how to translate written narrative into film
  • Be able to produce a storyboard or script with reference to mainstream narrative film
  • Understand the translation of written word to visual representation
  • Understand the relative signification processes of written and film texts

Unit 11: 1914-1939 How Britain Changed

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of World War 1 on society in Britain
  • Understand the state’s approach to unemployment, housing, and health issues during 1918 – 1939 and how these issues impacted on British society
  • Understand changes in British family life, and leisure during the period of 1918-1939

Unit 12: Social Media and the use and change in Language

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the use of language in social media
  • Understand the impact of social media on language 

Unit 13: Perspectives on Psychological Disorders

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the challenges in defining normal human thoughts and behaviour
  • Understand a range of explanations for a chosen psychological disorder
  • Understand a range of psychological treatment methods for a chosen psychological disorder 

Unit 14: Analysing Shakespearean Plays

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to analyse characterisation techniques used by Shakespeare
  • Understand Shakespearean themes
  • Be able to analyse the use of dramatic conventions in Shakespearian plays

Unit 15: Impact of Forensic Psychology in Criminal Investigations

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the roles of the Forensic Psychologist
  • Understand how psychologists have contributed to jury behaviour and eyewitness memory
  • Understand offender profiling
  • Be able to apply an offender profiling technique

Unit 16: Fundamentals of Political Ideology

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the key elements of a political ideology
  • Understand a range of different political ideologies
  • Understand the impact of political ideologies

Unit 17: Family Structure and Changes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand changes in family
  • Understand a range of sociological explanations of the family

Unit 18: Theories of Criminal Justice

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand crime prevention models
  • Understand crime control theories
  • Understand how different political perspectives inform criminal justice theories

Unit 19: A Sociological Perspective of the Mass Media

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand power, ownership, and control of the mass media
  • Understand sociological perspectives of the role of the mass media
  • Understand the concept of news as a social construct
  • Understand how the media presents stereotypes


Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: academic report, essay, case study analysis, journal article, portfolio, presentation (video and audio recording), research report, academic writing skills tasks

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?


No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 2 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences).

Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course. The remaining 15 come from ungraded units included to help you to improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences), (QAA ref = 40012888), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.


With the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) under your belt, you will be in a strong position to study a degree related to these fields. If you are unsure of what avenue you want to take in terms of your career, then the diploma is a great option as it covers a wide range of topics.

During your studies, it may become clearer in your mind which path you want to go down. There are a wide range of subjects you could go on to study at degree level, including:

  • Politics
  • Criminology
  • Sociology
  • International Studies
  • Law
  • Psychology
  • History

Further Qualifications and Prospects

Depending on the career path you choose to take, you may require further training and qualifications to achieve your end goal. For example, if you want to progress into teaching, you will need to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) through approved Teacher training programmes.

Moreover, if your ambition is to work in psychology, then you may need to gain qualifications in addition to your degree. For example, to become a Forensic Psychologist, a postgraduate qualification is required. Whatever avenue you go down, an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) will get you prepared for a career in this field.

Frequently Asked Questions

The humanities and social sciences are two broad academic disciplines that study human beings, our cultures, and societies. Humanities scholars use a more subjective and interpretive approach to understand the human experience, while social scientists use a more objective and scientific approach to understand social patterns and relationships. Humanities subjects include literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and religion. Social sciences subjects include economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science. Both disciplines are essential for understanding the human condition and for building a better future.
Studying social science and humanities together can help you develop a deeper understanding of the human condition, improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enhance your communication skills, and become more adaptable and resilient in a changing world. By studying both disciplines, you can also expand your career opportunities as many employers are looking for graduates who understand human behaviour and social systems. This understanding can be invaluable in jobs that involve working with people, such as social work, education, and human resources.
If you don’t have A-Levels but you want to study a humanities and social sciences-related degree, this Access to Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Diploma is for you! As a Level 3 qualification, it’s equivalent to three separate A-Levels and therefore enables you to progress to university without these traditional qualifications. What’s more, you can study our Access to Humanities and Social Sciences Diploma online at home, so it can easily fit around any existing commitments.
The beauty of this Access to Social Science and Humanities Diploma is it covers a wide range of topics, so you can explore multiple fields of study within one course. During your studies, you’ll gain a clearer idea of which path you want to go down if you’re not sure right now. The related degrees you can go on to study with this qualification include politics, criminology, sociology, international studies, law, psychology, and history.
Yes, you will! As part of your Access to HE Diploma learner package, our team will provide guidance and support with the university application process.
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
  • SALE Savings End Midnight Wednesday 31st July
Add GCSE English Language and Maths - save 5% buying as a bundle

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Your Course at a Glance

  • Get university-ready within a year
  • Complete your course online
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • Pursue a degree in sociology, psychology and more
  • Tutor support
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

For anyone keen to pursue a degree in sociology, psychology, history, or other subjects related to social sciences or humanities, gaining foundational knowledge will put you in a strong position ahead of your university studies.

The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) is a Level 3 qualification that not only provides you with essential knowledge but is the equivalent of 3 A Levels. This means that if you don’t possess traditional qualifications to get into university, then an Access to Higher Education Diploma is a solid alternative.

Most universities accept this qualification as part of their entry requirements, but you should check with your chosen establishment beforehand. If successful, you will have a base of knowledge of which to build upon thanks to the diverse units you will cover while studying for your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

From forensic psychology and various sociological strands to crime and deviance and political ideologies, you will explore topics across the spectrum, making this qualification incredibly useful for aspiring professionals in the social science and humanities fields.

As well as delving into sector-specific subjects, you will also learn a range of essential study skills that will get you prepared for degree-level study. An Access to Higher Education Diploma is ideal for individuals that want to go to university and be as prepared as possible for the next chapter of their academic career.

Getting Started

To help keep you on track with your studies, you will be given an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which will detail the submission deadlines of your assignments, creating a clear schedule for you to follow. The course is delivered entirely online, so you can learn from the comfort of your own home.

You have a level of freedom that does not come with classroom learning, and while there are deadlines to meet, you are able to fit your study time around your existing commitments. As soon as you enrol on the course, you will be given instant access to all the course materials you need.

Our student portal has everything neatly organised for you in one place, and you will benefit from the expertise of dedicated tutors and our Access Support Team.

Unlike A Levels, in which you need to study for around two years to achieve the qualifications, you can gain your Access to Higher Education Diploma in less than a year! When you enrol, you have two years to complete the course, but learndirect students take 9 months, on average, to achieve their qualification.


Unit 1: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism

Unit 2: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style
  • Understand different reading strategies
  • Be able to take effective notes
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment

Unit 3: Exploring an Introduction to Psychological Research and Approaches

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand scientific research methods in the field of psychology
  • Understand different psychological approaches to explaining behaviour
  • Understand ethical issues connected with psychological research

Unit 4: Exploring Theories of Crime and Deviancy

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to explain crime and deviance from a range of viewpoints
  • Understand the social structural theoretical basis of crime and deviance
  • Understand the media’s influence on perceptions of crime or deviance

Unit 5: Exploring The Analysis of a Novel

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to analyse the features of a novel
  • Be able to analyse a range of literary techniques in a novel 
  • Be able to analyse the context of a novel

Unit 6: An Examination of British Industrial Change during the period of 1700-1850

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the pattern of industry and urban society during the period of 1700-1760
  • Understand industrial change in Britain c1760-1850
  • Understand the impact of industrial change in Britain by the year 1850

Unit 7: Male and Female Speech

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understanding the features of male and female speech
  • Understand theories and approaches of male and female speech

Unit 8: Biological and Psychological approaches to Stress

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand potential physiological and psychological stress responses
  • Understand research into the link between stress and illness
  • Understand an example of psychological and biological stress reduction strategies

Unit 9: Education in Contemporary Society

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the importance of education in socialisation of pupils
  • Understand the role of education in modern society
  • Understand the impact of labelling and stereotypes in education
  • Understand the meritocratic view of education in contemporary society

Unit 10: Film Adaptations

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand how to translate written narrative into film
  • Be able to produce a storyboard or script with reference to mainstream narrative film
  • Understand the translation of written word to visual representation
  • Understand the relative signification processes of written and film texts

Unit 11: 1914-1939 How Britain Changed

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of World War 1 on society in Britain
  • Understand the state’s approach to unemployment, housing, and health issues during 1918 – 1939 and how these issues impacted on British society
  • Understand changes in British family life, and leisure during the period of 1918-1939

Unit 12: Social Media and the use and change in Language

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the use of language in social media
  • Understand the impact of social media on language 

Unit 13: Perspectives on Psychological Disorders

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the challenges in defining normal human thoughts and behaviour
  • Understand a range of explanations for a chosen psychological disorder
  • Understand a range of psychological treatment methods for a chosen psychological disorder 

Unit 14: Analysing Shakespearean Plays

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to analyse characterisation techniques used by Shakespeare
  • Understand Shakespearean themes
  • Be able to analyse the use of dramatic conventions in Shakespearian plays

Unit 15: Impact of Forensic Psychology in Criminal Investigations

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the roles of the Forensic Psychologist
  • Understand how psychologists have contributed to jury behaviour and eyewitness memory
  • Understand offender profiling
  • Be able to apply an offender profiling technique

Unit 16: Fundamentals of Political Ideology

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the key elements of a political ideology
  • Understand a range of different political ideologies
  • Understand the impact of political ideologies

Unit 17: Family Structure and Changes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand changes in family
  • Understand a range of sociological explanations of the family

Unit 18: Theories of Criminal Justice

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand crime prevention models
  • Understand crime control theories
  • Understand how different political perspectives inform criminal justice theories

Unit 19: A Sociological Perspective of the Mass Media

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand power, ownership, and control of the mass media
  • Understand sociological perspectives of the role of the mass media
  • Understand the concept of news as a social construct
  • Understand how the media presents stereotypes


Entry Requirements

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted. In many cases, to get started at university you will need: - A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade - A face-to-face interview at the university - Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university - Course-related work placements or work experience - GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.) It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

Access to HE Diplomas are designed to support students to progress to university who have substantial experience of life outside of formal education which they have gained since completing compulsory schooling.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: academic report, essay, case study analysis, journal article, portfolio, presentation (video and audio recording), research report, academic writing skills tasks

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Is Membership Required?


No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 2 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Excellent Marking


A range of units make up this qualification, with an assignment at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback. You must acquire 60 credits in total to achieve the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences).

Of these credits, 45 will be taken from graded units which focus on the academic subject areas included in the course. The remaining 15 come from ungraded units included to help you to improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.


Skills & Education Group Access

Skills & Education Group Access logo

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences), (QAA ref = 40012888), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities by enabling progression into higher education.


With the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) under your belt, you will be in a strong position to study a degree related to these fields. If you are unsure of what avenue you want to take in terms of your career, then the diploma is a great option as it covers a wide range of topics.

During your studies, it may become clearer in your mind which path you want to go down. There are a wide range of subjects you could go on to study at degree level, including:

  • Politics
  • Criminology
  • Sociology
  • International Studies
  • Law
  • Psychology
  • History

Further Qualifications and Prospects

Depending on the career path you choose to take, you may require further training and qualifications to achieve your end goal. For example, if you want to progress into teaching, you will need to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) through approved Teacher training programmes.

Moreover, if your ambition is to work in psychology, then you may need to gain qualifications in addition to your degree. For example, to become a Forensic Psychologist, a postgraduate qualification is required. Whatever avenue you go down, an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Humanities and Social Sciences) will get you prepared for a career in this field.

Frequently Asked Questions

The humanities and social sciences are two broad academic disciplines that study human beings, our cultures, and societies. Humanities scholars use a more subjective and interpretive approach to understand the human experience, while social scientists use a more objective and scientific approach to understand social patterns and relationships. Humanities subjects include literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and religion. Social sciences subjects include economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science. Both disciplines are essential for understanding the human condition and for building a better future.
Studying social science and humanities together can help you develop a deeper understanding of the human condition, improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enhance your communication skills, and become more adaptable and resilient in a changing world. By studying both disciplines, you can also expand your career opportunities as many employers are looking for graduates who understand human behaviour and social systems. This understanding can be invaluable in jobs that involve working with people, such as social work, education, and human resources.
If you don’t have A-Levels but you want to study a humanities and social sciences-related degree, this Access to Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Diploma is for you! As a Level 3 qualification, it’s equivalent to three separate A-Levels and therefore enables you to progress to university without these traditional qualifications. What’s more, you can study our Access to Humanities and Social Sciences Diploma online at home, so it can easily fit around any existing commitments.
The beauty of this Access to Social Science and Humanities Diploma is it covers a wide range of topics, so you can explore multiple fields of study within one course. During your studies, you’ll gain a clearer idea of which path you want to go down if you’re not sure right now. The related degrees you can go on to study with this qualification include politics, criminology, sociology, international studies, law, psychology, and history.
Yes, you will! As part of your Access to HE Diploma learner package, our team will provide guidance and support with the university application process.
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
(National Average 78.4%)
Accreditation by Skills & Education Group Access
100% online
19 units
600 notional
learning hours

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