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Your A-Z Guide to Taking a Gap Year

16th August 22

Are you considering taking a gap year? Perhaps you want to satisfy your desire to explore the world, or you didn’t get the qualifications you wanted to go to university and are now assessing your options. Whatever your driving motivation, we can help you take that leap and earn some money in the process!

Below, we have outlined the A-Z of gap year travel, giving you everything you need to know before embarking on your next adventure!

map and other travel items on table

A is for Achievement

Did you miss out on the A-level results you wanted? Did you not meet your chosen university’s entry requirements? You may be feeling a little lost right now, but remember, you have already achieved so much and there are opportunities for you to accomplish more.

In fact, by studying an accredited TEFL course, you can qualify to teach English abroad. So, if you are keen to take a gap year but still want to boost your CV and gain a qualification, then TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is a great option.

B is for Bilingual

If you are wondering ‘how do I plan my gap year?’, you’ll probably be thinking about the countries you can visit. Let’s face it, most people who take a gap year travel overseas, so wouldn’t it be great to show off your linguistic talent?

If English isn’t your mother tongue but you speak it fluently, then studying a TEFL or TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language) course is a great way to practice your bilingual abilities!

C is for Countries

There are plenty of countries crying out for TEFL Teachers, so once you get qualified, you can pretty much take your pick from around the globe! This means that you can expand the destination list when you consider taking a gap year.

D is for DELTA

No, we’re not just picking out terms from the phonetic alphabet, we’re referring to Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA). With our tutors qualified at this level, you can feel confident knowing that you will be advised by the best in the industry heading into your gap year.

E is for Earn Money

Some people are put off gap year travel because they think they can’t afford it, but if you can find a way to earn while you’re travelling, then it’s a win-win! Qualifying as a TEFL Teacher is a great way to earn a nice chunk of cash while ticking off your travel bucket list.

F is for Fun

When pondering over things to do in a gap year, the idea of working might not seem like a barrel of laughs but teaching English abroad to all ages is rewarding on many levels. Not only will you get the satisfaction of helping others learn a new language, but you also won’t be stuck working long hours in a stressful work environment.

woman travelling looking at lake

G is for Globetrotting

When taking a gap year, you may want to visit a few countries rather than stay in just one. The problem with that when it comes to working is that you may have to commit to lengthy contracts, or the type of work you’re looking for might not be available in every country you want to explore.

Thankfully, as a qualified TEFL Teacher, you will have the freedom to use your skills in so many destinations across the world. As mentioned, countries are crying out for professionals with your expertise!

H is for Hot Climates

Let’s face it, if you’re keen to embark on gap year programmes, you’re going to want to choose a country that has good weather! By opting to take the TEFL diploma route, you could end up in South America, Thailand, Vietnam, and even the United Arab Emirates.

I is for Independence

Taking a gap year is full of fun and excitement, but it’s also great for personal development. Even though you are likely to make friends during your travels, your trip is in your hands, and it will give you a great sense of independence.

J is for Job Prospects

If you are thinking about gap year ideas, perhaps you’re in a place in your life where you’re still figuring out your career or academic path. If so, training to teach English abroad is a great way to enhance your career prospects. It can open many doors and opportunities.

K is for Kick Back and Relax

Having things to do in a gap year is important, but don’t forget to relax and enjoy yourself! Exploring the world should be full of fun and adventure. Even if your reason for taking a gap year is because you didn’t get the grades you wanted to move on to further education, you have every right to take some time to unwind and celebrate what you have achieved so far.

L is for Languages

Gap year programmes are ideal for those who want to learn about diverse cultures, and part of that will include visiting countries that speak different languages. By getting TEFL qualified, you can help locals perfect their English, but you can also develop your linguistic skills by immersing yourself in other languages.

M is for Meet New People

There is no doubt that when you embark on your gap year travel, you will build on your independence, but you will also meet people along the way. Maybe you’ll spend time with fellow TEFL Teachers, others taking a gap year, or friendly locals. There are many opportunities to make lifelong friends on your travels!

N is for Native Speaker

If English is your native tongue, then you have a big advantage when it comes to training to be a TEFL Teacher. However, it is not a prerequisite! If you are not a native English speaker but you can speak the language fluently, you can still study for a TEFL diploma.

iconic landmarks on top of airplane

O is for Opportunities

The world is your oyster when you embark on a gap year! While your immediate focus may not be on a career, getting TEFL certified can lead to opportunities that you may not have considered before.

English Teachers are always in demand, in many countries across the globe. With learndirect, we provide a range of TEFL and TESOL courses that are recognised by employers all over the world.

P is for Progression

Some people think that taking a gap year is just to a way to delay your career, but you can continue your development both personally and professionally by teaching English abroad. Plus, once you have gained your qualification, you can progress your career with our business start-up advice.

Q is for Qualified

Before you embark on any gap year programmes, enhance your employability so that you can earn some cash while on the road! With learndirect, you can study a range of TEFL and TESOL courses, each of which is internationally recognised.

Our range of courses come with a Level 5 Diploma, so if you want to add to your qualifications with a certificate that is recognised by employers everywhere, then TEFL is the way forward!

R is for Reflection

One of the most common things to do in a gap year is reflect on your life and consider the next path you want to take. We live in such a fast-paced world, sometimes we need a minute to take stock of what we have and what we want. During your gap year, you can consider the next step you want to take in your life.

S is for Self-Development

Earning money during your gap year is great, but you will improve more than just your bank balance. Embarking on gap year programmes can boost your confidence and put you on a path to self-discovery.

T is for TEFL

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is not only a great way to kickstart a potential new career path, but it can also lead you towards an exciting gap year. Having the chance to explore some of the world’s most amazing destinations is on many people’s bucket lists.

By gaining a TEFL or TESOL qualification, this dream can become a reality. With learndirect, you can study for a globally recognised diploma from the comfort of your own home. This is because, our courses are delivered online. So, no matter where you are in the world, you can enrol on our courses and gain a new qualification.

By studying our courses, you will be able to teach:

  • All ages, from children to adults
  • A range of TEFL specialisms, such as Business English
  • Online while you travel or in classrooms abroad

The course options that you can study for your gap year include:

woman teaching english to foreign students

U is for UK Government-Regulated

For your peace of mind, our TEFL courses are all regulated. So, when you enrol, you can be confident in the knowledge that your training meets the highest standards.

V is for Volunteer

Many people volunteer during gap year programmes, and if you are keen to do this, then keep an eye out for one of our internships! With expert support and guidance, we can help you make the most of your experience. Plus, you can connect with other interns.

W is for Wonders of the World

When pondering gap year ideas, why not consider travelling to see some of the wonders of the world? Not many people have an opportunity to see historic sites and breath-taking views – take advantage!

X is for X Factor

Why settle for a job you don’t want when you can discover what the world has to offer by travelling? Taking a gap year is a great way to tap into your adventurous side, earn some money, and get a qualification in the process! That’s if you study our online TEFL courses…

Y is for Yes

Just think of all the opportunities you missed out on when you said ‘no’. By saying ‘yes’ to travelling during a gap year and becoming a qualified TEFL Teacher, the possibilities that will come your way are endless!

Z is for Zero Regrets

We have no doubt that once you finish your gap year, you will look back on your memories and be proud that you took that leap. Trust us when we say that you will enjoy every minute of your experience!

Begin Your Gap Year Adventure!

If you want to start discovering new possibilities, then consider taking a gap year! If you want to earn while travelling, boost your CV, and get a qualification that allows you to teach English abroad, then enrol on one of our TEFL courses. To find out more information, speak to one of our Course Specialists on 01202 006 464 or reach out to us online.

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