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Removed: Your Barriers to Learning

13th July 23

Learning is a lifelong journey that opens doors to new opportunities and personal growth. However, many individuals have been discouraged from pursuing education due to various barriers that hinder their progress.

Fortunately, with the rise of online education, these obstacles are being overcome, making learning more accessible and convenient than ever before. We explore some of the common challenges learners have faced in the past and how we here at learndirect provide solutions to overcome these barriers.

What’s Stopping You from Reaching Your Potential?

For our report, The State of Learning, we gathered insight from our learners, who opened up about the reasons that have prevented them from embarking on post-school education in the past. Below, we have outlined the main barriers to learning.

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Not being able to afford education has been a significant deterrent for many aspiring learners. According to our research, 39.3% of individuals have been put off studying due to financial constraints.

Traditional learning methods often come with high tuition fees, additional expenses for textbooks, commuting costs, and more. However, learndirect offers affordable payment plans that make education accessible to a wider range of learners. With flexible payment options, individuals can pursue their desired courses without worrying about financial burdens.

Uncertainty About What to Study

Another common obstacle is the dilemma of choosing the right course or field of study. Our research found that 31.1% of our learners have previously been unsure about what to study, which has deterred them from pursuing further education in the past.

learndirect understands this concern and provides a wide range of nationally and internationally recognised qualifications and online courses across a breadth of industries. Whether you're interested in acquiring new skills for career advancement or exploring personal interests, learndirect offers a diverse range of programmes to cater to various passions and goals.

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Time Constraints

Busy schedules and limited availability have been a significant hindrance for most of our learners. Traditional classroom-based learning often requires strict adherence to fixed schedules, making it difficult for working professionals or individuals with other responsibilities to find time for study.

However, our online courses provide the flexibility to study at your own pace, allowing you to fit education into your busy lifestyle. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, you can access course materials, assignments, and interactive learning tools whenever and wherever it suits you.

It's worth noting that 84.4% of learndirect learners prefer studying at home. The comfort and convenience of studying in a familiar environment allow for better concentration and personalised learning experiences. While traditional classroom learning may work for some individuals, online learning provides an alternative that caters to the preferences of a significant portion of learners.



Now There’s Nothing Stopping You, Enrol Today!

As the UK’s leading online learning provider, we here at learndirect have addressed the barriers to learning that have plagued many individuals in the past. By offering affordable payment plans, a wide range of qualifications and courses, and the flexibility of online learning, learndirect has made education accessible to those who were previously unable to pursue it.

Whether you're looking to enhance your professional skills, gain new qualifications for a career change, or explore personal interests, learndirect is your solution to overcoming the barriers to learning and embarking on a fulfilling educational journey at your own pace and convenience. Start your learning adventure today and unlock the doors to a brighter future.

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