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How Many Hours a Week Should a Personal Trainer Work?

22nd May 23

Becoming a successful Personal Trainer is a dream come true for many fitness enthusiasts! It’s an incredibly rewarding career that allows you to positively impact people’s lives while doing something they love. However, when it comes to the number of hours a Personal Trainer should work, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget the importance of a work-life balance.

On the one hand, working too few hours may not be enough to achieve success, while on the other hand, working too many hours can lead to burnout and fatigue. Below we’ll explore the ideal number of hours a Personal Trainer should work to achieve success in the Fitness Industry and provide tips to ensure you’re not overdoing it..

client deadlifting weights whilst personal trainer watches

How Much Time Should Be Spent, Training Clients?

One of the biggest challenges for Personal Trainers is finding the right balance between work and life. Determining how many hours per week to work without tiring yourself out can be difficult, but finding the sweet spot is crucial to your success and overall well-being. So, how many hours should you spend training clients as a Personal Trainer? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are some guidelines to follow.

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) recommends that Personal Trainers work 15-20 hours weekly for optimal performance. This range allows for a balance between time spent working with clients and on essential business tasks, such as marketing, administration, and continued personal development.

However, this range may only be feasible for some, and some Trainers may prefer to work more or fewer hours per week. Ultimately, it depends on your goals, client load, and work style. For example, Personal Training could be your side hustle; you may have outsourced some of your administrative tasks and have more time available or thrive in a fast-paced, high-demand role.

What Should My Working Hours Include?

When determining how many hours to work, it’s important to consider what those hours should include. Ideally, your workweek should include client sessions, administrative tasks, marketing efforts, and continued education.

Client sessions are the bread and butter of your business, and it’s important to schedule them strategically. Consider your clients’ availability and preferences when scheduling sessions and try to avoid back-to-back sessions or long stretches without breaks.

Administrative tasks, such as billing and accounting, scheduling, and client communication, are also necessary but can be time-consuming. Consider automating some of these tasks, setting up a process to streamline them or hiring an assistant to help with the workload.

Marketing is crucial for growing your business and attracting new clients.

This may include social media management creating fresh and engaging content to share with your audience, email marketing, and networking at events. All of which will help contribute to the continued growth of your brand.

Finally, continued education or upskilling is essential for Personal Trainers to stay up to date on the latest research and training techniques. Allocate weekly time for reading, networking, attending workshops, and working on certifications.

personal trainer training client with ropes

The Benefits Of Session Scheduling

Session scheduling is crucial to managing your workload as a Personal Trainer. By scheduling strategically, you can optimise your time and energy and ensure you and your clients get the most out of each session.

One key benefit of strategic scheduling is the ability to maximise client retention. By scheduling sessions at times that are convenient and consistent for your clients, you can help them establish a routine and stay committed to their fitness goals.

Another benefit is the ability to avoid burnout. By spacing out sessions and taking breaks throughout the day, you can prevent mental and physical fatigue and maintain your energy and focus through each session.

Finally, session scheduling allows you to optimise your income potential. You can increase your income and maximise productivity by scheduling back-to-back sessions or booking during peak hours.

Maintaining A Healthy Work-Life Balance

As a Personal Trainer, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. With early mornings, late nights, and a constantly shifting schedule, finding time for self-care and personal life can be challenging.

To maintain a healthy balance, you must set boundaries and prioritise self-care. This may include taking time off to recharge your battery, scheduling workouts and leisure activities, and setting work hours or client load limits.

It’s also important to find a support system, whether that be through friends, family, or colleagues. A community of like-minded individuals can help you stay motivated and connected and provide a sense of belonging and purpose.

Finally, consider finding a coach or mentor to help you navigate the challenges of balancing work and life. A coach or mentor can provide guidance and accountability and help you identify growth and development areas.

personal trainer helping client workout with kettle bells

How To Avoid Burnout As A Personal Trainer

Personal Trainers have a rewarding yet challenging job. They work long hours, manage a fluctuating schedule, and constantly push themselves to help their clients achieve their fitness goals. However, despite their passion for fitness, Personal Trainers are not immune to burnout.

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. Burnout can impact the quality of a Personal Trainer’s work, leading to serious health problems. Therefore, Personal Trainers should take steps to avoid burnout.

Firstly, Personal Trainers need to establish healthy boundaries with their clients. Setting clear expectations around work hours, communication, and cancellations can prevent burnout caused by overworking or dealing with demanding clients.

Personal Trainers who work long hours with little time for rest are at a higher risk of burnout. Therefore, Personal Trainers should schedule breaks between client sessions and prioritise taking time off to pursue hobbies or spend time with loved ones.

Getting Started As Personal Trainer On Your Terms

With so many directions to take your Personal Training career, there is no time like the present to start your fitness journey.

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Please take a look at our selection of leading health and fitness courses. Alternatively, you can call us now on 01202 006 464 or contact us online.

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